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- ======================================
- PEEKs, POKEs, & SYSes -- Part 37
- By James Gelatin Weiler
- and Ailing Gardner
- ======================================
- Last time we told you that next
- time we hoped to have a version of
- the SYSPLOTTER routines that would
- draw lines. This time we can tell
- you that we really do have what we
- told you last time we would have next
- time.
- For everyone who wasn't with us
- last time, here's a reprise of what
- you missed:
- SYSPLOTTER is a set of machine
- language routines that make
- high-resolution graphics work easily
- and quickly from within a BASIC
- program. There are commands to turn
- graphics on and off, to change the
- background and pen color, to draw or
- erase points, and to clear the whole
- high-resolution screen.
- Now SYSPLOTTERB adds commands to
- draw horizontal and vertical lines.
- Here, again, is the complete list of
- commands available:
- ======================================
- Bit-mapped graphics: how to do it
- using the SYSPLOTTERB routines.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- First, load the routines:
- After that, it gets simple fast.
- To set the bit mapped graphics
- mode, SYS 49152.
- To clear the graphics screen,
- SYS 49158.
- To set the background color,
- SYS 49161, <0-15>.
- To set the "pen" color,
- SYS 49164, <0-15>.
- To plot a point,
- SYS 49167, <0-319>, <0-199>.
- To erase a point,
- SYS 49170, <0-319>, <0-199>.
- To plot a horizontal line,
- SYS 49176,<0-319>,<0-319>,<0-199>
- To plot a vertical line,
- SYS 49173,<0-199>,<0-199>,<0-319>
- To turn off the graphics screen
- and return to the text screen,
- SYS 49155.
- ======================================
- Now the details.
- SETGRAPHIC (49152), UNGRAPHIC (49155),
- and CLEARGRAPHIC (49158) are just
- simple SYSes.
- SETGRAPHIC turns on the bit-mapped
- graphic screen with a base address
- of 8192.
- UNGRAPHIC turns on the normal text
- screen.
- CLEARGRAPHIC erases any bit-mapped
- pattern on the high-resolution
- screen. It is equivalent to poking
- zeros into all memory locations from
- 8192 to 16191.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- COLORSMEAR (49161) & PLOTCOLOR (49164)
- are SYSes that must be followed by a
- comma and one numeric expression.
- The numeric expression should
- evaluate from 0 to 15. It selects the
- color of the background or pen for the
- entire screen. The numeric expression
- can be a constant, a variable, or
- an expression.
- Examples:
- SYS 49161,2
- will change the backgrond color of
- the entire screen to red.
- Z = 0: SYS 49164,Z
- will change the color of all the
- plotted points on the screen to
- black.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- DRAW (49167) and ERASE (49170) are
- SYSes that must be followed by two
- numeric expressions separated by
- commas. The first expression is
- the horizontal position to plot and
- should be in the range 0 to 319.
- The second expression is the vertical
- position and should be from 0 to 199.
- Examples:
- -- DRAW --
- FOR A = 0 to 20
- SYS 49167,A,A
- will draw a short diagonal line in
- the upper left corner of the screen.
- -- ERASE --
- FOR A = 0 to 10
- SYS 49170,A*2,A*2
- will turn the diagonal line we drew
- in the previous example into a dotted
- line by turning off every other dot
- along its length. Erase will turn
- off any dot, but you won't see it
- working unless the dot was already
- on.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- HRIZLINE (49176) and VERTLINE (49173)
- are SYSes that must be followed by
- three numeric expressions separated
- by commas.
- In HRIZLINE, the first and second
- expressions are the left and right
- points of the line. The lesser will
- always be used as the leftmost point.
- If the first two expressions are
- equal, HRIZLINE will plot a single
- point. The last expression is the
- vertical position of the line.
- In VERTLINE, the first and second
- expressions are the top and bottom
- points of the line. The lesser will
- always be used as the top point. If
- the first two expressions are equal,
- VERTLINE will plot a single point.
- The last expression is the horizontal
- position of the line.
- ======================================
- The machine-language SYSPLOTTERB
- routines are on Side 2 of this issue
- of LOADSTAR. They were written by
- Ailing Gardner with the MERLIN
- assembler. James Gelatin Weiler has
- written a BASIC program to
- demonstrate the SYSPLOTTERB routines.
- The demo program includes a
- subroutine to print numbers and
- letters on the high-resolution screen
- to aid in graph making.
- If you wish to view the SYSPLOTTERB
- \oad"plottext b demo",8
- demo, press the '\' key now.
- --------< end of article >-----------